Homeland Insecurity, 2014
Perils of Ownership, 2015
30 Thoughts on Suburban Life, 2015.
Locked Up, 2014.
Detail from 60 Thoughts on Discontent, 2014
Here is the final version of the apron piece that I re-did based on my research and study during the summer and fall of 2014.
Gross Domestic Product, 2015
This is one of the final versions of the Suburban Truisms. There are four groupings: Fear, Identity, Guilt, and Belief. I will write some of the Truisms on tags and hang them on the gates of the gated community and photograph them. Journal entries will document my experience during this process as I look for ways to introduce the tags into my environment during the next two months.
Individual Truisms will be printed on t-shirts, buttons and stickers tor public distribution.